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How 100 Women Who Care Works

  • Each member commits to donating $100 per meeting ($400 per year).
  • The donations will be steered to a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations serving Southeast, Michigan. National charities will not be considered. Supporting the local community is our goal.
  • Members who wish to submit a non-profit for consideration must be ready to make a five-minute presentation at the meeting to those in attendance. Three members will randomly be chosen to pitch their favorite non-profit with a 5-minute presentation, followed by a 5-minute Q&A.
  • Only members who have signed a Commitment Form and are current on their contributions may submit a non-profit for consideration.
  • Only members who are current in their contributions are eligible to vote at meetings.  Members may not vote unless they are in attendance at the meeting. Each member will vote by ballot – the majority rules.
  • In the case of a two-way tie, the membership will be provided with the names of the two charities and a second vote will be taken.  If the second vote results in another tie, we will randomly pick one of the two non-profit’s names out of a hat. In the case of a three-way tie, we will randomly pick one of the three names out of a hat.
  • If a member presents and is not chosen, she is eligible to put her name in the drawing at future meetings. If a member’s charity is chosen, that organization is not eligible to win for two years.   The member is still eligible to submit the name of another non-profit.
  • All checks will be made out to the chosen non-profit. If a member is unable to attend, she is asked to mail the check promptly. An email will be sent out the evening of the meeting with all of the pertinent details.
  • The benefitting organization must agree to NOT use the donors’ names for future solicitations or use the database of names in any way. If the non-profit does not adhere to this condition, it will not be eligible for future consideration.  The organization is also required to send a representative to the following meeting to explain how the funds.
  • The Founding Members reserve the right to request the winning non-profit’s historical financials and the 990 prior to turning over the funds from the membership.  The Founding members reserve the right to determine that the organization that wins the vote should not be granted the funds.  Whenever the founding members determine that the winning organization does not qualify based on their submissions or other matters inconsistent with our group’s mission and guidelines, the founding members will notify the membership and will not turn over the funds; instead giving the members the option to support the 2nd place winner.
  • Membership to 100 (or more) Women Who Care is open to ALL women.  More Women=Greater Impact